Saturday, December 15, 2012

"Old Fart" Cookie Basket

Evidently, it is written in the book of life somewhere that you need to be mean to people on their 50th birthday. And hell, who am I to rebuff this time-honored tradition? "Over the Hill" and "Old Fart" jokes are the theses of birthday roasts at this age, and S&V was asked this week to make the Old Fart theme edible.

(Note to blogging self:..."fart" and "edible" should never appear this close to each other again in future posts...may give the health department the wrong impression...but I digress... )

Indeed, it was my mother who commissioned me to do these cookies for my Dad's 50th birthday bash. It wasn't a surprise birthday party (our family gave up trying to keep secrets long ago because we are dreadful "bean spillers"and always blow the surprise weeks in advance). Actually, the kiddo and I were my dad's only birthday surprise this year. My daughter Lilly and I flew from NY to CA to surprise him for his birthday...Lilly babysitting the cookie basket on her lap for the entirety of the 6 hour flight (what a trooper). My dad cried with joy when he saw us...and then looked painfully amused when I showed him the cookies. I think people enjoy giving Old Fart presents more than they enjoy getting them. But regardless, they were a total hit at the party.

"Geezer" Cookie. 

"Aging is a Pain in the A$$"Cookie

Providing Some Explanation...

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hello Kitty Cookie Sandwiches

I often wonder if the Kiddo is going to love or hate the fact that I was always in the kitchen when she was growing up. Having a "Super Baking Mommy" has its perks (an unlimited supply of batter spoons to lick clean) and its pitfalls (Daddy needing to help with homework today instead, because mommy has been burried alive under a couple hundred gum paste roses). Sometimes my guilt over how much time I spend bent over my mixer does turn sweet for Kiddo though. Like today, for instance.

These were waiting on the kitchen table today for Kiddo when she came home from school. No particular reason in mind. Just because.

Sometimes it just feels so good...after slaving away in the kitchen for other people's take just a few minutes to let your little one know that she's on your mind. Knocking on your heart's door, as always.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Spider Man Birthday Cake

I usually ask people to book me for a cake 6 weeks in advance. Since everything I do is a custom creation, I like to make sure I have enough time to truly give the design (and my customers) my full attention and care.

Yet, when one of my customers asked me to make a birthday cake for her nephew, 2 DAYS BEFORE THE PARTY, I just couldn't say no. I'm a total sucker for the kiddos, and the idea of a kid without a cake on their birthday is my idea of a crime against humanity. And this was the end result.

Golden Tahitian vanilla cake with a pineapple brown sugar filling and S&V Buttercream. The design is done in royal icing, with a tracing and flooding technique. 
 Happy Birthday Tyrese! Hope you enjoyed it.